Habit Breaking Appliances

Encouraging Healthy Oral Habits

Welcome to our Habit Breaking Appliances service page at Bay Area Orthodontists, where we discuss the role of habit-breaking appliances in addressing common oral habits and promoting optimal oral health.

Common Oral Habits Addressed: Identifying and Correcting Unhealthy Behaviors

Explore the oral habits commonly addressed by habit-breaking appliances:

  • Thumb sucking: Habit-breaking appliances help discourage thumb sucking, which can lead to dental misalignment and jaw irregularities if left unchecked.
  • Tongue thrusting: Appliances assist in correcting tongue thrusting habits, where the tongue pushes against the teeth during swallowing, potentially causing bite issues.
Habit Breaking Appliances
Habit Breaking Appliances

Custom Solutions for Individual Needs

Learn about the different types of habit-breaking appliances available:

  • Palatal crib: A small appliance attached to the roof of the mouth to discourage thumb sucking by creating discomfort upon contact with the thumb.
  • Tongue crib: Designed to prevent tongue thrusting by blocking the tongue’s ability to push against the teeth during swallowing.
  • Removable appliances: Custom-made devices that can be worn comfortably in the mouth to help break habits and encourage proper oral function.

Promoting Positive Oral Health Habits

Understand the benefits of habit-breaking appliances for overall oral health:

  • Preventing dental issues: By addressing harmful oral habits early, habit-breaking appliances help prevent potential dental problems such as misalignment and bite issues.
  • Encouraging proper development: Habit-breaking appliances promote healthy oral habits, supporting the development of a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile.
  • Enhancing treatment outcomes: In conjunction with orthodontic treatment, habit-breaking appliances contribute to more successful and long-lasting results by eliminating detrimental habits that may interfere with treatment progress.
Habit Breaking Appliances